Apply a function line-by-line to a connection, such as an open file connection. This allows simple processing without loading the entire file to memory, something like the common for line in file: ... approach in python.

by_line(connection, FUN, STOP, safe = TRUE, max_lines = 0, ...)



an open connection, such as a text connection as created by file


a function to apply to each line that can be read from the connection


a function to generate a stop condition for reading lines of the connection


auto-stop iteraction on reaching an empty line in the connection (attempts to prevent infinite loops)


extra arguments passed to FUN


not_run({ file <- file("myfile.txt", "r") # use with for automatic connection closing with(file, { # read and print each line sequentially by_line(file, print) }) # stop reading after finding the word 'stop' connex <- file("logfile.txt", "r") by_line(connex, cat, function(line) grepl(line, "stop")) close(connex) })